Senior Residential Advisor, Anita Dunnigan, assists students with the Planting for Peace competition.
Dorms vie for top honors in courtyard flowerbed planting, designs.
Y2Y Ambassadors and SGA sponsored a competition May 18 to encourage students to participate in the beautification project by planting flower beds in the courtyard between the dorms.
Each dorm was assigned a flower bed, and dorm members went to work, collaborating on planting ideas and working hard in hopes of winning top place and a dinner at a restaurant in the Charleston area.
Trevor Periard, Horizons Youth Services corporate finance and administration director and the acting F&A director at Charleston
Job Corps, and other senior management and dorm staff were on hand to help and offer their opinions to the student landscapers.
The winning dorm, announced during the Morning Meeting May 28, was Truth Dorm.
Although only one winner was selected, the entire Charleston Job Corps community wins by being able to enjoy the fruits (and flowers!) of these students’ labor.
Thanks so much for your efforts!