Carville Job Corps Center student employees are instructed upon entrance to set goals and aim high to achieve excellence on their 1st day on center. Three student
Employees did just that when they enrolled in Advanced Career Training at Capital Area Technical College of Louisiana Welding program.
Student Employees, Jerry McCoy, Victor Robinson, and Brandon Lanaute, completed their career technical training certification in Carville’s Home Builders Institute Program.
Career Transition Readiness instructor Ronald Barrow walked the students thru the lengthy enrollment process. Setting Goals, Focusing, Finishing the Race and Making Dreams into Reality a Carville’s Job Corps Center Norm has the above named students on road to success. These students will be shadowed by the Career Transition Services until they have completed their post secondary education process and assisted in job placement upon receiving their certification.
A Special Thanks to Mr. L. Williams, Chief Workforce Development Officer at Capital Area Technical College and happens to also be one of Carville’s education and industry council members for assisting the students with the enrollment process.
Advanced Career Training at Capital Area Technical College of Louisiana Welding
Advanced Career Training at Capital Area Technical College of Louisiana Welding
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