Nurse Assistants Share a Special Groundhog Job Shadow Day

Nurse Assistants Share a Special Groundhog Job Shadow Day

“Are we going back tomorrow?”
”When do we get to come back here?”
“I love being here!”
”This is where I need to be…”

These are just a few phrases spoken by the NA students who visited Carrington Place at Wytheville on Groundhog Job Shadow Day.  Carrington Place consists of assisted living, independent living and skilled nursing areas. Twelve students and four staff members were guests of the staff of Carrington Place for the day.  Each student was assigned to a staff member and shadowed them during their work with residents. 

Most of our students have not yet had clinical experience and for many, this was their first opportunity to see the things they have been learning in the classroom first-hand.  Students observed residents being transferred, participating in recreational therapy, eating and being fed as well as resident ambulation and hygiene.  Several students mentioned that seeing the techniques they are learning in a practical setting brings their learning to life.

Students go into these work environments a little hesitant, but excited to learn something new.  Each and every student who went to Carrington Place for Job Shadow Day 2011 said they had a very positive experience, several said they made new friends and they all said they would like to return another day!

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