IndyPendence Job Corp held a community “open house”, otherwise known as a “Community Relations Council” meeting to update local residents, non-profit organizations, and business, located in Indianapolis area, of the important work and training occurring at the center. Several staff members spoke on the different trade programs offered to young women in Marion County ages 16 to 24yrs, and how we not only provide an Academic and Vocational education, but actively build relationships with the community to support these young ladies with opportunities in higher education, advanced training, military careers, and solid employment. While Job Corps provides a degree and a certification in a technical skill to a young person, our “goal” is that students long term success. That can only occur with community support and partnerships. With our attendee list, Indy is on a path to success. Some of the events attendees: Indiana Dept. Child Services, Cummins Engine, Vocational Rehabilitation, Xerox, Sheraton Hotels, Representatives from the City of Indianapolis, Work One, and Volunteers of America. Thanks to all that attended!