Our CSI DAY was kicked off by Rob Seet, Deputy Prosecutor, Johnson County IN visited the Security Trade on Feb. 23rd to discuss investigations and collecting evidence for crime scenes. He also discussed social media, and how that applies to security personal and law enforcement officers. Mr. Seet provided the trade a solid foundation to move forward in the trade and their future careers. The Security Trade then participated in CSI MOCK Crime Scene Investigation. The Victim’s name was John Doe. An apartment scene was built to simulate a real-life scenario. The students identified critical evidence and interviewed four staff members (role players) to develop a motive in the investigation. The crime scene took all day to process and there were a number of inconsistencies between the witnesses, which created additional concerns for the investigators. By the end of the day the students were able to determine that the victim was also the perpetrator! This was done with deductive reasoning and through all the leads in the case that they were able to run down. It was a great event and the Security Trade would like to thank all the support from the Atterbury staff that provided resources to run the exercise.