Last week Atterbury Culinary Staff and Students hit the Road in search of Experts in the Culinary Industry to show our students the careers and opportunities that are a part of this exciting field of employment:

U.S. Foods Distribution Center-
Students toured the U.S. Food distribution warehouse. They learned how orders were picked and the importance of paying attention to detail when they are picking so they don’t waste time correcting mistakes or shipping the wrong product to the customer.  Also they learned to importance of keeping the food safe and how foods only have a limited amount of time to get from off the truck and back into its temperature designated areas.  They were also taken into the product testing room where they were shown different items and were given the opportunity to sample the different products.
Sysco Food Show-
Students toured the Sysco Food distribution warehouse and got to sample a variety of foods that Sysco has to offer.  They received lots of information of several products as far as production was concerned, different ways to prepare items.
Nicole & Taylor’s Pasta Shop-
Students took a tour of the boutique area, kitchen, as well as pasta production area.  They were introduced to owner/executive chef, Tony Hanslit, his wife Rosa and were given some history of how they started their business, other business they’ve operated, and was informed that running a business is hard and that it will come later in life if they truly desired to own their own establishment in the future.  They got to meet a few other employees in the kitchen.  Workers gave description of job, their roles in the kitchen and the importance of kitchen safety, details and organization in the kitchen.  Student asked plenty of questions and was given a demonstration of how fresh pasta is made
Butler University-
Students toured the student dining facility.  They were introduced to the executive chef, Chef Nathaniel Malone and his sous chef, Chef Katrina Mahady and other employees in the kitchen.  Workers gave description of job, their roles in the kitchen and thThe Chef’s Academy a Division of Harrison College
Students toured The Chef’s Academy and were introduced to structured student activity in a modern state of the art kitchen.  They have been shown several food demonstrations with world renowned culinary instructors as well information about the school, its history, tuition cost, classes, grants and scholarships, student syllabus and expectations.  They played games for the opportunity to win prized based off their culinary knowledge.  This was an opportunity to see different classes, equipment that we may not have on center as well as know that there are other options outside of Atterbury if they desire to continue their education and earn their Associate in Applied Science.
Piazza Food Show-
Students had the opportunity to network with several chefs in the industry, as well as sample a variety of foods from all over the globe that Piazza has to offer, that the students may have never tried, seen or heard of before.  They received lots of information of several products, different ways to prepare items and endless samples of their favorite dishes. 
Piazza Distribution Center-
Students toured the Piazza Food distribution warehouse.  They learned about seasonal produce & specialty items.  They learned how certain factors in the growing season, such as weather can affect the price of some items as to why sometimes prices fluctuate at the market.
U.S. Foods Food Show-
Students were invited to attend the show by our product representative form U.S. Foods.  They had the opportunity to network with several chefs in the industry, as well as sample a variety of foods that Sysco has to offer that they may have never tried, seen or heard of before.  They received lots of information of several products as far as production was concerned, different ways to prepare items.  They were even given products to bring back to the center.

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