Nelson Rosado – Arecibo Job Corps

Nelson Rosado – Arecibo Job Corps

Nelson A. Rosado is from Vega Alta, Puerto Rico.  When he enrolled to Arecibo Job Corps, he had no High School Diploma, just 10th grade from another school. He joined Arecibo Job Corps on February 2010, date in which he began to accomplish his goals to obtain a High School Diploma and trade.

Before Nelson joined Job Corps, he had many personal problems and was trying to get a technical degree as a barber. He realized that he needed more in life and this included his High School Diploma in order to be able to accomplish the goals he had set in his life, so he decided to look around and see where he could meet these goals.  His uncle spoke to him about Job Corps and gave him the telephone number. He called Outreach & Admission in Arecibo Job Corps and was able to join.

At this moment Nelson has no negative reports and feels he is progressing. He is currently in Work Base Learning phase in a health clinic laboratory. He is a member of the Equal Employment Opportunity and Trainee Employee Assistance Program  Committee and he also has received three medals and certificates.

We asked him how does he feel at this moment and his opinion  of Job Corps, to which he said: “I am accomplishing all I had set my mind to do when enrolling in Job Corps  and with the help I am receiving of Job Corps to obtain my degree, my life is changing in a great matter on how I look ahead of me and how I see the world with a different point of view. He added: “My plans now are to get a job in a hospital when I graduate, get my own apartment and continue with my education”.

We asked Nelson who is his Model, Mentor, and Monitor in Job Corps and he answered:“My Model here in Job Corps which I consider has leadership, seriousness, and commitment is Jocelyn González, Work Place Communication Instructor.   My Mentor is Pedro Santiago,

Licensed Practical Nurse Instructor because he has been an unconditional support to me and offers me a lot of help to keep me on track in my trade.  My Monitor is Norma Ivelisse Sánchez, Case Evaluator Supervisor. She has made me become committed , responsible, and showed me the importance of being a punctual and responsible student with all her advice”.  Nelson added, “I believe Job Corps is a Program that offers everything to youth and that works with you hand in hand. If you are a student that wishes to succeed in life, Job Corps helps you grow in the society.”

I would recommend this Program to all the people I know and I already did, there is a student I recommended. This has been a phase in my life and an experience that has been really satisfactory in many ways. Thanks to the help of Arecibo Job Corps Center, I feel I am succeeding ”.

  “We wish Nelson success in his future!”

 By: Nancy Maisonet, Career Development Service System

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