The Charleston Job Corps Center (CJCC) operating under Horizons Youth Services (HYS) recognized Red Ribbon Week during Monday Business Meeting on October 26, 2015. Jennifer Monday, Project Coordinator and Kristi Justice, Executive Director, Kanawha Communities that Care spoke to all students and staff regarding the national campaign, drug free pledge, and program activities.
According to the website, “The National Family Partnership organized the first Nationwide Red Ribbon Campaign, in response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena angered parents and youth in communities across the country began wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction caused by drugs in America.” The campaign is officially observed October 23-31, 2015 and has touched millions of people, increased awareness, and encouraged drug free pledges across the nation since inception.
Charleston Job Corps Center partnered with Kanawha Communities that Care to speak to students about the campaign to bring awareness and continue its national Youth-2-Youth Campaign: Partners 4 Peace initiatives on center. Students and staff received red wrist bands in honor of the event.
Monday told the audience, “We go out into the schools and partner with businesses and different things in the community. We educate mostly about different substances. For our grant funds we have to focus on three issues- marijuana use, underage drinking and prescription drugs.” Justice spoke to students in the Pharmacy Technician trade about Drug Take Back day, safely disposing prescriptions, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) program and community service opportunities.